Monday, January 4, 2021

Trump Criminal Connections?

I don't generally talk about my general suspicions, because without solid evidence it's not much different from Trump's claims of election fraud.

Still, reporting like this fits with the various patterns of behavior I've noticed.

Kind of makes me think someone should have 'taken one for the team', a long, long, time ago. Maybe we could have avoided over 350,000 dead then. And worries about an honest to God coup attempt. 

But that's water under the bridge, as they say. Something to consider if we're ever in this (hopefully unlikely) situation again, and the kind of thing to consider when trying to put better guard rails in place, but other than that not particularly helpful or useful right now. 

Though it does lend weight to my suspicion that international organized crime is a growing problem, and one that will require a firm commitment and a lot of work (and sound strategies) to address. 

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