Monday, April 4, 2022

No Wonder..

No wonder they keep doing messed up things. This logic is nuts.

I mean... First of all, over the very long haul we're all dead. Eventually. Dust to dust, stars dying, etc. Nothing lasts forever, and it's not supposed to. (In this physical world. I'll leave the discussion on God and souls and eternity outside of this). 

But this is basically an 'ends justifies the means' argument, where the 'end' is humanity's survival and the 'means' are apparently whatever they can pretend is a reasonable method of achieving that end.

Aside from the numerous issues with trying to plan for a billion years (and really, have you ever read Isaac Asimov's Foundation series? Not that you need to in order to understand the challenges, but even a science fiction series where someone predicted an extremely long term future had a number of things not go as expected) there's also the issue that quality matters. 

Or, to use a cliche - it's the journey, not the destination. 

How we get somewhere shapes who we are, and if in the process of getting there we become something terrible... 

Then getting their isn't much of an achievement. 

I'd like to be able to look myself in the mirror and like what I see. To be okay with the decisions I make about who I am and how I get there. And 'winning' or achieving a goal in a way that doesn't allow that is meaningless. 

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