Saturday, April 2, 2022

And While I'm At It...

Ukraine and Russia are one part of this, but it feels like the world really is a gunpowder keg right now. I heard that description applied to the world right before wwi, and never realized just what it would feel like to live in an atmosphere like that.

Its like everyone around the world is itching to start something. 

Which seems so utterly stupid. 

The worst of it, I think, are the ones actively trying to stir the pot. Some of whom seem to seriously think God wants them to kickstart the apocalypse.

As if God couldn't start that just fine on His own. And didn't say things like “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Matthew 24:36

It really seems strange they'd try to hasten God's timing... Seems likely they'd just hasten Him condemning them for failing to care for their neighbors. 

Arrogant. Apparently they hate the world so much they want to destroy rather than fix it... 

And if all they did was make themselves suffer, I wouldn't care. But I don't want to live through an apocalypse, and I absolutely despise those trying to force such a thing on the rest of us. 

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