Saturday, December 26, 2020

Trump's Command Climate

I don't think I can share this to Facebook, since the people I would want to read it would probably tune out as soon as the extremely poor opinion of Trump appeared.

But it expresses a lot of what I find so horrible about Trump's term in office.

Its not so much his policies you see (though many were awful). It's exactly this. Ignoring all the checks and balances, seeing every one of them as an obstacle to bully his way through... And in the process destroying a system and making it utterly dependent on him.

Its like..  

Like, the army functions as a giant machine. Nobody can be irreplaceable, so we have MOS's and staff positions and a bunch of policies and procedures that make sure we're able to be where we want to be, with the resources we need to succeed. That's a large part of what makes us powerful (even if it has its drawbacks, especially in making people feel like cogs in a machine).

And he governs more like old school war chieftains, where it's all about being the biggest baddest guy around. Something our military has long since learned is terrible. I think John Keegan had a book on that, maybe Mask of Command?

Its a pretty terrible leadership style for a modern society. 

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