Wednesday, December 9, 2020

On Election Fraud

I'm sharing this thread not to say anything about whether or not there's fraud involved, so much as an example of why certain tactics are short sighted.

People who justify doing something to win rarely seem to realize that the same tactic they used can and probably will be used against them. That, and it can lead to closer scrutiny for yourself as well as others. 

Its also really, really, really hard to put the genie back in the bottle. 

Which I suppose can be a good thing. That is, in order to restore trust in our elections we'll need to pass legislation like @jennycohn1 has suggested. Have an audit trail, paper records, secure the voting machines from the internet and unauthorized access...

If what the link above suggested has any merit whatsoever, those necessary changes will hurt the people who started *waves hand* all this.

In which case, they completely deserve it. 

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