Friday, October 16, 2020


I was just thinking this.

When I first heard someone say watching Biden's townhall was like watching Mr. Rogers, I thought it was a Biden supporter.

Like, Mr Rogers is awesome. There's a meme of the 'holy trinity of wholesomeness', with Mr Rogers, Bob Ross, and Steve Irwin. I could wish I were a fraction of the role model Mr Rogers was. He is a legend. There's a story of someone stealing from him (his car, I think? I don't remember), and he put out word that there'd be no repurcussion, he just wanted it back.

And whoever stole it returned it. Because who would want to be the thief who stole from Mr Rogers?

I was flabbergasted to realize that this was supposed to be an insult? It was said by someone on Trump's side?

How awful must these people be, to think comparing anyone to Mr. Rogers is an insult?

We have been blessed as a nation with some amazing, wholesome people who are actually as good as they're made out to be... And he's one of them. 

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