Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Well, Thanksgiving is done and I've got your typical end of the semester schoolwork to do (a couple of projects, some final exams, etc.)  Oddly enough, I think I prefer doing a computer project over the large writing assignments I've had in most of my previous classes.  I dunno, frustrating though it is when my programs don't work it's still more fun than researching and citing sources for a 12+ page paper.  Plus it's kind of cool to see all my work actually do something.

I visited with the fam last week.  Did our usual holiday movies (watched Justice League and Thor: Ragnarok), played a bit of Pandemic (Season 2, the second legacy set.) 

For those who were unaware, legacy games are boardgames that change over time, based on what you did in previous games.  With Pandemic they tell a story that takes place over the course of a year.  The things that happen in each game will affect your ability to play in later games, so you have to strategize not just on how to win your current game but also on how to set yourself up for success in the later games. 

One of my brothers, my Dad and I have played Pandemic pretty much every time I visit, and we rather enjoyed the first legacy set (season 1).  The only issue is that once your year is up (which can be anywhere from 12-24 games, since if you lose a game you play another game corresponding to that 'month') you can't really go back and play it again.  You've changed up the board, destroyed cards, and done various other things that make it really hard to reset and start over. 

At the same time, that's part of what makes it fun.  Different. 

So anyways, I'm taking a break from my latest homework (dealing with mySQL and databases.  It's not too bad, though figuring out the proper syntax for complicated queries can be a pain.) and I wanted to talk about the Hulu show Runaways.

Since I started off with more humdrum stuff (see all of the above), I decided to write this as two separate posts.

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