Sunday, July 14, 2024

On the Golden Rule

The idea behind the golden rule appears in a lot of religions, not just Matthew 7:12 in the Bible. 

A refresher for those who don't want to bother looking that up -

"In everything, do to others what you would want them to do to you. This is what is written in the Law and in the Prophets."

I suppose it's in some ways related to the MAD deterrence policy. 

Basically, it helps limit escalation by telling people 'treat others the way you want to be treated', or some variation thereof. 

It's not just some moral requirement compelled from on high. 

It's actually quite practical - because whatever awful thing you do, is all too easily done to you as well. 

It's also why 'but they started it!' is such a shit argument. I mean, first of all assuming they actually did (and that you're not assuming they cheated or fill-in-the-blank as a way of salving your ego), retaliated is a) likely not to be proportional unless you're especially careful to make sure it's 'an eye for an eye' and thus escalates things further and b) is probably not going to make them think 'wow, we fucked up. Let's back off.'

You really ought to consider what's more important to you - revenge and making them hurt, or finding a solution that let's everyone live peacefully. Assuming the latter is possible. It's not always. 

Anyways, the point of all this rambling is because of that assassination attempt. 

More specifically, it's because Trump has acted as though everyone should do what he says - or else.

There has been a constant threat of violence from his supporters if things don't go his way.

And the reason that has been so concerning,the reason it's proof he's a terrible choice and should never get near the levers of power,is because if one side starts,the other will follow suit, and that's how we got the Sunni and Shia murdering each other like crazy in Iraq.

There are some real fucking morons (I'm absolutely cussing in my blog today) who somehow think this is a great idea.

Probably because they a) assume they will win and b) assume nobody they care about will get hurt or die in that inevitable descent into violence they're trying to kick off.

This is why they're fucking morons.

This is the lesson that the Hunger Games was all about.

Like, maybe the system is so terrible that an actual revolution is the only way (and currently we're not at Hunger Games levels, but let's not digress) but any such thing,  no matter how justified, will be ugly and violent and people like Prim will die.

You'd better understand that when you decide escalating into violence is necessary, and it should be for better reasons than 'I don't like woke people.' or 'but, taxes!' or 'I know nothing of Europe's religious wars or why we have freedom of religion and would like to impose my religious views on everyone, and don't care that that often leads to the ugliest amount of death and dying as people disagree on what God actually wants'

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