Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Night

I don't think anything will be decided tonight, especially with the unprecedented amount of mail in and early voting, so I think I'll head to bed and try to sleep.

I've been thinking, off and on, of trying to write a post about Trump supporters. Mostly because, even though I would love to dismiss them with a facile label I know that the truth is more complicated than that. 

I mean, on the one hand I'm just horrified at how easily they ignore and/or dismiss all the warning signs regarding Trump. Also with the casual acceptance of the death toll from the coronavirus (and they claim to be pro-life?!?) 

Well, I won't get into it right now. It's the kind of thing I think I need an actual keyboard for and I'm not entirely sure what'll come out when I write. (The keyboard isn't just about typing faster. Typing on the phone requires paying too much attention to what I'm doing, whereas with a keyboard I don't have to think about typing and it's more a stream of consciousness. I don't always know what'll come out of it. I mean, I do find I make more grammatical errors that way... I don't catch a 'their' vs 'they're' etc. Idk, it's like the writer version of what happens when I really get into a book. I don't even notice the words, the story just sort of plays in my head like a movie.) 

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