Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Changes in Higher Ed

I... Don't dislike the idea of forgiving student loans? But I'm also okay if they don't (going to Iraq really helped pay off my undergrad. I've got some debt from my Masters in Computer Science, but it's not ridiculous.), but I remember this.

I remember everyone being told to go to college. Get the degree. And then my brothers, their friends from high school, even some of my own classmates, though it wasn't yet known to be a thing... They couldn't get good jobs after college and were drowning in debt.

That history degree that was supposed to be a field where they'd hire people soon? Professors didn't retire, tenure became more and more rare, and adjunct pay has you living in poverty.

The expectation, divorced from changes in how college was financed (and how much more expensive it was, and how minimum wage hadn't kept up with inflation) screwed an entire generation.

But yeah. Taking in the debt was a choice, and the risks back 5hen weren't well known. But still a choice. 🙄

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