Sunday, August 16, 2015

No Words (Okay, really a lot of words)

I had more to discuss about economics and domestic politics, but I came across an article that has me thinking in a rather different direction.

Understand, please.  I have a healthy skepticism towards anyone who claims that God is on their side.  It seems to me that the people who are most certain that they know what God wants, are generally the ones who have the least understanding.  They're more likely to be hearing what they want to hear and claiming it's God's voice.  And when that happens, there's a very real danger.  I remember reading about a historical battle during the Crusades.  The Knights Templar were certain God was on their side, and then went and did some really stupid things.  Like attempting to cross a desert without enough water, while engaged with Saladin no less.  If history has proven anything, it's that God (if you believe there is one) favors people who use the brains He gave them. 

I don't claim I know what God wants, it'd be kind of silly to do so when I just said I'm skeptical of those who do.  Some days I'm not even sure He exists.  Yet I think you can kind of tell what's more or less likely to be inspired by that sense of other, versus self-serving beliefs that allow us to justify what we want. 

I think that God would direct us towards being more compassionate, more open.  Less judgmental.  Less self-centered.  That we should think more of others, see them as individuals worthy of our respect. 

And that claims which support our self interests (i.e. encourage us to be more judgmental, more superior than others, or that justify being selfish and self-centered) are probably just us justifying the views we want to hear and claiming it has God's approval.

Which is why, uncomfortable as I am with using harsh and judgmental religious language, the only words I have for ISIS here is "Blasphemous" and "Evil".

To claim that God wants you to do this!?!  No.  Hell no.  This is so far from God that I have no words.

Honestly, it makes me want to join up and fight against ISIS right here and now.  Except...

Well, that's an entirely different topic. 

Suffice to say that I'm suddenly reminded that there are some very, very bad things out there in the world.  To be honest, it's not just ISIS.  There's conflict and violence all over the world, some of it just as ugly.  Human trafficking, child soldiers, and more.

I don't feel comfortable shrugging and pretending there's nothing going on, or that we're unable to do anything about it.  Don't want to just link to an article like that and say 'how horrible', so all my friends on Facebook can chime in and agree.

But what?

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