Thursday, September 2, 2021

Minor Update

 I suppose I ought to post something about Texas (or the flooding on the East Coast, and climate change. Or the continuing toll covid is taking on us. The world is such a mess.)...

but tbh it kind of snuck up on me. I didn't really know anything was going on until I started seeing stuff on Twitter, hours before the legislation went into effect.

And I don't want to downplay the damage this will do... but I'm also kind of curious about who's going to be the first to try the snitching part of it out.

Because here's the thing. 

You can put laws on the books, but that doesn't mean people actually act like they exist. 

Take sodomy laws, which are still on the books in some states. Has anyone actually tried arresting someone for breaking them? In the last decade?

I imagine most people a) don't even know if someone is getting an abortion and b) probably aren't going to report it if they do.

Which means the first attempts to actually put this in practice are probably going to be edge cases. Probably either some abusive man who impregnated someone and is upset they're getting rid of the baby (some really do try to tie their significant other to them that way. Like the one who tried giving a woman I knew fake birth control pills. Or that whole 'stealthing' BS) or some terrible arch-conservative parents willing to put their daughter (or trans-son, it's possible) in jail. Because they've bought the BS about abortion being the same as murder, and consider their child a murderer. (Overlooking the role they probably played in creating that situation, since such parents probably also didn't want their children taught about contraception, and taught their children that unmarried sex was a sin and therefore made it far more likely that the child hid their sexual activity from them and didn't take precautions.)

So it's a mess, and y'all can read about it on the news, but I don't really have a lot to add on it.

Oh, except that I saw  a headline today that captured so much of what most of us hate about MSM. It said "Texas law could flip script on abortion politics, with Democrats eying gains". 

As if that was the most important and relevant thing here.

Perfect example of 'horse race' reporting, and how damaging it can be. (Perhaps the article itself handled it better, but with a headline like that I wasn't interested in reading it.)

Anyways, I was mulling over something else and will post about it shortly. I just didn't want to start today's blogging by ignoring the news of the day.

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