Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Currents of Thought

So the mixed jumble I want to make sense of includes such topics as:  inequality and it's costs, samurai, complicity in sexual abuse (I know I linked to this earlier and the NYTimes just released an article in a similar vein that I haven't read yet), how monkeys act when they see another monkey getting paid more for the same work, inflation and it's effects, a meme on the internet:

Another One, Memes, and Wow: My boss arrived at work in a brand new
 Lamborghini. I said wow thts an
 amazing car. He replied, if u work hard,
 put all ur Hours in, and strive for
 excellence I'll get another one next

A discussion on neoliberal economic policy, as well as the warrior mentality, perennial human problems, chess endgames, talent pipelines, and our capacity for organization.

Whew.  That's a lot, no?  

My starting point for putting it all together has more to do with what I've read or watched most recently than anything else.  Different articles or TV shows remind me of different points on that list...though I'll have to give you more details before the points will make much sense.

So, after all that build up, I suppose it's time to begin.

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