Saturday, October 21, 2017


School is on track, though I've got various projects to do over the next couple of months.  Once I complete this semester, I'll have finished all the prerequisites for the Master's in Computer Science program except one.

Which means that next semester I can start getting into more specialized work in the areas that interest me.  Should be fun. :)

I've also been watching a bit of Netflix lately.  Started off by (finally!) finishing Luke Cage, the third season of Voltron, and all of The Defenders. 

As I generally prefer to read, that was unusual enough...but I decided to continue the trend for a bit.  It's actually cheaper, in a way.  See, I devour books.  I have to be careful about starting a new (large) series as I have a tendency to stay up very, very late finishing the book.  Which is not necessarily a good thing if I have school or work or something.  In college I mostly didn't read during the school year, then whipped through a ton of books during finals week.

I've been re-reading some of the books in my personal library.  Partly because it's been long enough I've forgotten most of the plot, and partly because it's cheaper than buying new books.  It's also sort of interesting to compare my impressions when I was younger to my impressions upon reading the book again today.

Still, sometimes I'm not in the mood for the books I already own.  Which means buying more books.  (The library, you see, would cost me extra to use as I technically live in the county rather than the city.)

So anyways.  Homework, school, and a bunch of Netflix.  After watching The Defenders I decided to watch Leverage, which was pretty enjoyable.  Comedy, action, heists, and enough real world issues to give it more depth than usual for that sort of show.  Good character development, and it's fun to see the actors demonstrate how different they can look/act as they try to pull off their capers. 

I do wish they'd done more with Hardison's background.  See, we know a lot about Nate.  We've had flashbacks of Parker's childhood, as well as encounters with the thief that trained her.  We had Eliot's old flame.  Sophie's friend brought them The Wedding Job.  They all had a case or two brought to the team through their old ties.  While I'm not saying Hardison's backstory was neglected (we know about his Nana, playing violin, etc.) I don't remember an episode where they helped out one of his family members or childhood friends.  I suppose their encounters with Chaos might qualify?

Anyways, now that I'm done with the series I'll finally track down the movies for The Librarian and carry on with the new Librarians series.  My father says a good actor is one you don't recognize from movie to movie.  I don't claim to be a great acting judge, but it's one of the things I notice now.  See who changes enough of their mannerisms to be - unrecognizable.  I think David Tennant's a good example, since the exact same guy played the Doctor and Kilgrave.

In Leverage, pretty much all the actors do that.  Sophie in particular, of course, but everyone does it to one degree or another.  (It cracked me up when Sophie took on some of Eliot's mannerisms in The Hot Potato Job.  I didn't really think think about how much his low throaty voice was part of the role until he changed it up in The Tap Out Job, and here's Sophie doing her version of the exact same thing.) 

I looked up most of the actors on IMDB and was surprised to realize Christian Kane (who played Eliot in Leverage) also played Lindsey in Angel and Jacob Stone in The Librarians.  I'd seen pictures and gifs of The Librarians through some of my social channels and had been mildly interested in watching it for a while.  It's just that I had planned to start with the movies (even if they aren't strictly necessary) and since they weren't on Netflix the slight effort of tracking them down had kept me from following through.

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