Monday, January 25, 2016

Speaking of Horrible Events

Two of my current 'horrifying news' stories:

The water crisis in Flint, Michigan.  As more and more details come out it's so horrible I can't even.  Like literally, thinking about it makes me so mad I don't want to start.  If I did, who knows when I'd stop?

The second one:  Hillary's e-mails.

Yeah, yeah.  I  mostly blew off the Benghazi hearings, as typical Republican witch hunting.  But the e-mails? 

Before I go any further, I think I need to share a link.  This is actually even better than one I found yesterday, because it goes into a lot of detail on what it takes to get material from one classified network to another.  I didn't realize until I saw articles like this how little people knew about the process.  I can remember what a headache it was to get material off one network and onto another...going down a security level, that is.  I had to e-mail it off to the right department, where they would check the material to make sure it didn't have anything too high for the network we were sending it to.  They'd e-mail it back to me on the desired network when they were done, if it all checked out.

Yes, there are issues with over-classification.  And in some situations (I imagine diplomatic talks that you participate in) it may not really seem like classified material at the time.  I'll leave it to the FBI to sort out whether or not a crime has been committed.

That said - if known classified material was deliberately sent to an unclassified network (ANY unclassified network!!! Not just 'a private e-mail server') then that's a Big. Friggin. Deal.

It's huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge.  It is going to jail level bad.  Everybody I know who's been in intel understands that.  We all know that if we had done what appears to have happened, we'd be facing some sort of judicial proceedings.

And so it horrifies me, absolutely  horrifies me, how many people are giving Hillary a pass on this one!  Yes, I know the Republican candidates are horrible.  I don't think Trump has a chance in hell in the general election, but I could be wrong.  I know Hillary has been pushed as 'the establishment' candidate...

But if they overlook this, in their rush to help support her, then it typifies everything that is so scary and disturbing about  America today.  It shows that power trumps justice.  That someone who, at a minimum, is responsible for creating the environment where something like this could happen, would be a potential President.

I don't care about Benghazi.  I don't want to see any of the current Republican candidates as president.  But I sure as hell don't want to see Democrats ignore or minimize these e-mail problems, and I find it very disturbing that so many respected institutions are acting like this is no big deal.  (If 'everyone is doing it', as one alleged, than we've got an even bigger problem than I thought.)

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