Saturday, October 5, 2024

Junk Food Politician

When writing about Jan 6th, I realized that Trump and his ilk were basically taking advantage of people's ignorance about how the political system works. 

At the time I was thinking about the safe harbor deadline, how states certify election results, and various other dull and dry things that the people around Trump must have known, and therefore all the BS about Pence being able to change the results had to have been the worst sort of cynical manipulation... 

And realized how consistently he and his do this. 

Like the tariff discussion at the start of the presidential debate. 

If you were a business selling a widget in the US for $10, and Trump slapped a tariff on the product costing you $1, it does not take a lot of work to realize you can just consider that an additional cost of manufacturing and start selling your widget for $11. Thereby passing the costs on to the consumer and ultimately raising prices in the US. 

And yet he, bold as you please, claimed he'd add tariffs and that no American would have to suffer for it. 

Sounds a lot like 'Mexico will pay for the wall', and all I can think is that his supporters must like the way he lies. 

I will save the long winded and wonky details for all the ways they take advantage of people's ignorance and just say this -

They're junk food politicians.